Sealed Earth is proud to present its third Studio Exhibition REBIRTH, taking place September 14-22, 2022.
REBIRTH is born from the desire to explore a present that is reborn artistically, physically, spiritually, or sexually after a long socially and culturally stalemate period, renewed as a victory of life and full of new experiences and a new human consciousness.
The artworks reflect the timeless cyclical process of life; a creative rebirth; a renaissance in creative output born from a period of hibernation and introspection; a spiritual rebirth; a self-rediscovery; a redefinition of identity; a period of new life; a cognitive or psychological rebirth; or a reinforced appreciation of natural beauty and the life cycle of fauna and flora.
REBIRTH is a joyful exhibition with the intention of giving hope for brighter days ahead.
Dimitra Arkali, Nikos Athanasopoulos (Niklas), Mara Desipris, Chioma Ebinama, Maria Economides Shanghai, Sotiris Fokeas (Soteur), Rene Habermacher, Stergios Katsounas, Amelia Lockwood, Nasia Pavlidou, Annie Riga, Loukia Thomopoulou, Theο Triantafyllidis, Giorgos Tserionis, Leonie Yagdjoglou, Olga Zafeiropoulou
Curated by Nikos Yfantis.
The exhibition is complemented by the experimental section, containing artworks created by the attendees of Sealed Earth and embody their contact and experimentation with the magic of clay and its techniques.
Participating artists in the experimental section: Sophia Athanasopoulou, Piyi Daniilidi (haotique), Evgenia Dima, Christina Efraimoglou, Danai Issaris, Anastasia Kyriakopoulou, Timos Livaditis, Marina Nalmpanti, Mariah Pavlopoulou, Fotis Tourkochoritis
Wednesday 14 September — Friday 22 September (Free entrance)